No, that extra thick rim isn’t an optical illusion…
And yes, it seems like every jumper that grazes the rim is rattling in and out.
Whether you’ve noticed them before or not, double rims are frequently used at public courts for their durability and cost effectiveness.
They ARE harder to shoot on… but if you can stomach training with lower shooting percentage, they may provide the added benefit of improving your jump shot.
In this article we’ll talk about double rims in more detail, providing you with the pros and cons of shooting on these thicker rims.
What is a Double Rim?
A “double rim” is simply an extra rim stacked on top of a traditional basketball rim.
In addition to being thicker, double rims tend to be a little bit taller than a single rim hoop due to the additional metal required in the construction.
Double rims are favored on courts that see a lot of action for two main reasons:
a. Durability
They’re more resistant to damage from dunk attempts and wayward jumpers.
Local rec gyms sometimes feature double rims for that reason.
And since they stand up to weather better, they’re also popular on outdoor courts.
b. Cost Effectiveness
This additional durability means that the rims can last longer and will need less maintenance before being replaced, making them more cost efficient over the long term.
Are Double Rims Harder to Shoot On?
Yep, they sure are!
The stacked rims have less give and bounce to them, making it more likely that jump shots that graze the rim will result in a miss.
This can feel especially challenging on outdoor courts where the sight-lines and varying depth perceptions can make it harder to determine your distance to the hoop.
Add in any sub optimal weather conditions, and it’s no wonder that it feels like your jumper is never falling at the local park.
Even layups and close shots can be harder on a double rim.
Benefits of Double Rims:
It can be frustrating watching shots that usually find the bottom of the bucket rim out.
But for players that are serious about developing their game and honing their touch and jump shot, a double rim can have huge advantages.
1. Improves Shooting Ability
Double rims force shooters to focus on the proper form and release, rewarding well-arced shots that rely on finding the center of the hoop instead of grazing the rim before going in.
In addition to giving you more room for error, higher arcing shots are harder to defend and are less likely to get blocked or altered.
2. Long-Lasting Hoop
If you’re looking to install a hoop at your home, a double rim hoop will also last longer and can hold up to a lot of use without wearing out.
They do tend to cost a little more than single rim models, but will save you money in the long run since you won’t have to replace them as often.
Negatives of Double Rims:
1. Difficult to Adjust To
Since the double rim is slightly taller than a single rim design, it can cause something of an illusion and force you to change your shot to compensate for the extra height.
But for me this feels negligible, there’s always slight fluctuations in the height of a court’s rim regardless of where you are, so a little inconsistency between double and single rims is fine.
2. Extra Up-Front Cost
While I listed the cost as a long term benefit, the extra money up front may not be feasible for some if you’re on a tight budget and could be considered a negative too.
3. Mental Frustration
The biggest drawback to a double rim, is the potential mental strain on the players.
There’s something of a learning curve to shooting on these less forgiving rims.
Watching shot after shot bounce away can cause a lot of frustration and result in players that are more apt to give up or change their form for the worse.
That’s why it’s important that players understand when they step on the court that the degree of difficulty is higher on double rim.

There’s no right or wrong hoop to shoot on.
Regardless of whether you have easier access to a double rim or single rim hoop, practicing on either design will improve your shot.
To improve your form and in-game performance however, I find the double rim to be more beneficial due to the higher degree of difficulty.
If you can stand seeing a few more jumpers clang off iron, give a double rim a shot the next time you have the opportunity.
You may be happy with the long term results.